星期二, 2月 22, 2005

記得要對自己好一點哦 !

I constantly forget this important thing : BE NICE TO YOURSELF !

So many times, I am used to take a surgery knife and inspect myself under a magnifier. But seems never try to be friend with myself. (Sorry, Fish ! I keep forgetting this )
Hmm.... OK, what if you are not the one come with the mission ????
Well, that's a very interesting question. How come I never thought about that. In this case, can I , yes, I can just be Fish right ? ! There is no more label, title or mask to wear. Not so many blames to take, and I really should be friend to you, Fish Am I push you too much ? (Well, sometimes, yes, you are a little bit too mean to me, Fish !)
OK, let's make a deal. (what deal ?? Aren't 'we' suppose to be one soul ??) OK, let me rephase it.
This is a lesson for you : Always remember to forgive and forget yourself. I knew you are not used to find executes for your behavior. But you never need excuses, just watch it happened and complete. Simply BE and have more conversation with the loving kid inside you. You are a kid always, (well, even you are an 'old' soul)
OK, I will try to remember this and let the loving kid out. Thanks a lot for this conversation , Fish !
I love you !
I love you, too ! ;-)
PS: BTW, since whatever a kid does, doesn't need an excuse, you don't need to worry about the mask, mirage anymore. You will see it whenever necessary. As a kid, your mission is play :-) (Am I too nice to you already ??)

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