星期日, 2月 20, 2005

可以炫耀的孤獨 ?

Just have a strange thought.

Does loneliness is another symbol or something that we used to differentiate us from others ?
I knew most of time I actually enjoy the loneliness. ( Hey, do you mixed up with freedom ?)
There are a lot of people doesn't have luxuary to tell others they are lonely. When you struggle for a day to day life, running around for preparing meals, kids, schools and works, are they allowed to say - I am so lonely ?

There is always a corner in our heart that is reserved for some special one to explore, but this special someone may never come or you met him / her in the daily life but don't have guts to let him / her know. ------------ hmmm. 我又離題了。

Anyway, just want to put a seed here, maybe we can explore this topic later when you have time.

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