星期六, 3月 19, 2005


I feel so tired and even think about this planet....
Really don't know to how to start this blog. This is going to be a totally nonsense blog. I can find a thousand reasons to stop this stupid thinking. But I just need to figure out why I have this kind of feeling again.
Work stress ?? No, even is not easy but still I can handle it well. The only thing I complained for work it not much fun, at least I can not make everyday to have a exciting and creative thing to do. But why should I complain ? Compared with many other peoples, I am super super lucky to have a group of angels in my team.
Loneliness ? hmm, maybe but I rather to say boring. So .. This is it right ? Lack of excitement. I always think you are a super stupid fish, do a lot things to satisfy your skyhigh ego but only learn very little thing from it. (Hey, hold on, can you try to be a little nice to me ? Don't forget you are also part of me, right ?) OK, I am sorry , I forgot the compassion again, Isn't the compassion which support to stay and live so long ? Why am I so easy got frustrated and have such negative feelings ? Despite of what ever vows you ever did, where is the compassion and passion of love ? I didn't see the fire for a long long time. Dear Fish, please let it out, you can do it. I really sure you can make it .
With great love,

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