星期六, 4月 09, 2005


Finally I understand what the soul mate means !
Was driving down the road for lunch with SY couple in Sweet Tomato. One strange thinking pop up in my head and I now can answer the blog question I asked last month.
It really doesn't matter is he or she, people at my age are actually looking for soul mate. He/She doesn't necessary have intimate relationship with you. I am way beyond that. It's the freedom and appreciation in your heart. Even you might not be aware of it. With your soul mate, you can just BE YOURSELF ! No to worry about the thing you did will disappointment him/her.
Have a DIY hair dye today, GL went to Target with me and choose the color then came to help. I am really worry about screw it up. But with her help I feel more comfortable. The result ..... Well as she said, with dark hair like us , we won't screw up too much. Maybe the color (chestnut) I choose is too close to dark brown, so far I didn't see any result. Maybe after a few washes the color will show up.
Still have a few hours today, going to start enter my old diary.

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