星期四, 3月 03, 2005


Haven't sing karaoke for a long long time. Used to like it, but after transition, I never have confident to sing in public or actually not even in the shower. Voice is always my weakness in passing, well maybe not face to face, but on the phone.
Having a dinner at C's house tonight, after dinner, she invite everybody to sing karaoke. Maybe I assume at least 7/8 of people at dinner knew my story, this time I finally break the fear and sang three songs. :-) It's kind of relief that you don't have to worry about people will read you from the song you sing.

Am I put too much burden on myself ? Maybe people don't ever care at all. Why I have to worry so much ? Even people suspect, just let them suspect, they will never get any proof, right ?

I am going to reclaim this freedom !

A happy singing fish :-)

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